Monday 6 August 2012

Raspberry Pi - OpenSSH

After getting all the basics sorted on the Raspberry Pi with Arch Linux. I thought it would be a good idea to set up OpenSSH on the device so I don't need to keep swapping over my keyboard and screen to the Pi.

Using the package manager, this proved to be extremely easy. It was as simple as typing in:

pacman -S openssh

And it was ready to go once it had been installed. The service had already added itself to the rc.conf file under DAEMONS with the @ symbol so it wouldn't wait for openssh to load and just run in in the background.

I was able to log in from my desktop (running Linux Mint if you're interested) below:
SSHing into my Raspberry Pi
So there it goes. I also did a little bit of testing using iperf to see if it really was 100Mbit:

Close enough to 100Mbit for me not to worry about it!